中国四大名著人物关系知识图谱和OWL本体,用于符合逻辑一致性的知识图谱嵌入工具(Knowledge Graph Embedding with Logical Consistency,http://www.openkg.cn/tool/kge-wlc)和基于表示学习的不一致知识图谱诊断排序工具(Ranking Diagnoses for... -
符合逻辑一致性的知识图谱嵌入工具(Knowledge Graph Embedding with Logical Consistency)
Existing methods for knowledge graph embedding do not ensure the high-rank triples predicted by themselves to be as consistent as possible with the logical background which is... -
基于表示学习的不一致知识图谱诊断排序工具(Ranking Diagnoses for Inconsistent Knowledge Graphs by...
When a knowledge graph (KG) is growing e.g.\ by knowledge graph completion, it might become inconsistent with the logical theory which formalizing the schema of the KG. A common... -
RapidMinerKE - 基于RapidMiner平台的知识表示学习增强框架
知识表示学习旨在将知识图谱中的实体和关系表示为低维稠密的向量。大多数现有的研究只利用结构信息来学习这些向量。我们研究OWL 2... -