三体 (San Ti) - Characters and Plot

The following ontology was created as final project of the Knowledge Graphs course of the Zhejiang University.

It contains the characters of the Trisolaris trilogy of Liu Cixin, the major plot points of the three books as much as locations, organizations, species and the connections between those classes. The ontology also contains a set of rules that allows conclusions like the vital status of a character in a specific scene or negative emotions towards the character.

For additional information, please refer to the documentation.



作者 Julia Rennert, 邓可立, 陆渝霖, 倪雨洲
维护者 Julia Rennert
版本 1.0
最近更新 一月 8, 2024, 09:38 (UTC)
创建的 一月 8, 2024, 09:38 (UTC)