基于 REfO 的 KBQA 实现及示例
这是一个基于 Python 模块 REfO 实现的知识库问答初级系统. 该问答系统可以解析输入的自然语言问句生成 SPARQL 查询,进一步请求后台基于 TDB 知识库的 Apache Jena Fuseki 服务, 得到结果. 这是一个入门级的例子. 内含介绍此项目的 README.pdf. 方便用户快速把握这个项目的想法. 希望用户体会默认的 3... -
符合逻辑一致性的知识图谱嵌入工具(Knowledge Graph Embedding with Logical Consistency)
Existing methods for knowledge graph embedding do not ensure the high-rank triples predicted by themselves to be as consistent as possible with the logical background which is... -
基于表示学习的不一致知识图谱诊断排序工具(Ranking Diagnoses for Inconsistent Knowledge Graphs by...
When a knowledge graph (KG) is growing e.g.\ by knowledge graph completion, it might become inconsistent with the logical theory which formalizing the schema of the KG. A common...